Your emotional and mental health is just as important as your physical health. Mental health refers to your thoughts and feelings and how you react to others and different situations.

Most of the time we can cope with what life throws at us, at other times we need some support. If you feel like you're not coping with things or are finding situations difficult to deal with, then it is best to talk to someone you trust. This could be a family member, teacher or public health nurse. Sometimes just knowing someone is listening to you can be a step forward in making a situation become clearer and more positive.

Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people can also be found at and don't forget to follow us on Instagram @DerbysTeenHealth

You can text a Derbyshire public health nurse via ChatHealth on 07507 330025. This is a confidential text messaging service for young people, providing advice and support. Available Monday to Friday, 9am – 4.30pm, except bank holidays.

You can also attend a public health nurse drop in session. All secondary schools hold public health nurse drop ins. Find out more about them here.